Sunday, August 09, 2015


In this month of anniversary of the founding of our Red Maple Sangha, I offer some historical reflections on our origins

As with many insights, once I determined that I would establish a local practice community, it immediately seemed to be correct has to follow. Deciding not to affiliate with a distant group felt like stepping into a dark room, literally a leap of faith. I knew that there were other groups operating independently, but there was no instruction manual, no step-by-step program which would direct me into a guarantee of success.
Back in my home county, I began to discuss with a few individuals with whom I had practised was a possibility of an ongoing group. Initially, we decided on a monthly discussion/study format. Because we were intending to be a Buddhist group, not simply a meditation group, it seemed that raising people's understanding of Buddhist teaching was an important place to start. This was the beginning of The Turning Wheel Buddhist Study Group and, once a month, we were meeting on Sunday evenings in a small church space in Almonte.

For the following year, we explored the basics of Buddhadharma - the Four Noble Truths, The Eight Steps to Satisfaction, some history of the Buddha and Buddhism and an introduction to Buddhist art. Very soon we made the decision that we needed to venture more directly in Buddhist practice. Most of the group were former participants from mindfulness courses, so this was not a huge leap.

By the end of that year of Turning Wheel, we relocated our activities to Carleton Place and used a borrowed massage therapist's room for once weekly evening sessions. Our practice was primarily sitting zazen - what I knew best - and occasional walking. It was this that became the start of the Red Maple Sangha. I chose the name because it resonated so well with the maple history of the county and captured some thing of the quintessential Canadian-ness of our endeavour.

Next week: Red Maple Sangha Expands

Yours in the Dharma,                          
Innen, doshu
om namo amida butsu  

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